/** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ define([ 'jquery', 'domReady!' ], function ($) { 'use strict'; /* Form with auto submit feature */ $('form[data-auto-submit="true"]').submit(); //Add form keys. $(document).on( 'submit', 'form', function (e) { var formKeyElement, existingFormKeyElement, isKeyPresentInForm, isActionExternal, baseUrl = window.BASE_URL, form = $(e.target), formKey = $('input[name="form_key"]').val(), formMethod = form.prop('method'), formAction = form.prop('action'); isActionExternal = formAction.indexOf(baseUrl) !== 0; existingFormKeyElement = form.find('input[name="form_key"]'); isKeyPresentInForm = existingFormKeyElement.length; /* Verifies that existing auto-added form key is a direct form child element, protection from a case when one form contains another form. */ if (isKeyPresentInForm && existingFormKeyElement.attr('auto-added-form-key') === '1') { isKeyPresentInForm = form.find('> input[name="form_key"]').length; } if (formKey && !isKeyPresentInForm && !isActionExternal && formMethod !== 'get') { formKeyElement = document.createElement('input'); formKeyElement.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); formKeyElement.setAttribute('name', 'form_key'); formKeyElement.setAttribute('value', formKey); formKeyElement.setAttribute('auto-added-form-key', '1'); form.get(0).appendChild(formKeyElement); } } ); });