/** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ define([ 'underscore', 'jquery', './scripts' ], function (_, $, processScripts) { 'use strict'; var dataAttr = 'data-mage-init', nodeSelector = '[' + dataAttr + ']'; /** * Initializes components assigned to a specified element via data-* attribute. * * @param {HTMLElement} el - Element to initialize components with. * @param {Object|String} config - Initial components' config. * @param {String} component - Components' path. */ function init(el, config, component) { require([component], function (fn) { var $el; if (typeof fn === 'object') { fn = fn[component].bind(fn); } if (_.isFunction(fn)) { fn = fn.bind(null, config, el); } else { $el = $(el); if ($el[component]) { fn = $el[component].bind($el, config); } } // Init module in separate task to prevent blocking main thread. setTimeout(fn); }, function (error) { if ('console' in window && typeof window.console.error === 'function') { console.error(error); } return true; }); } /** * Parses elements 'data-mage-init' attribute as a valid JSON data. * Note: data-mage-init attribute will be removed. * * @param {HTMLElement} el - Element whose attribute should be parsed. * @returns {Object} */ function getData(el) { var data = el.getAttribute(dataAttr); el.removeAttribute(dataAttr); return { el: el, data: JSON.parse(data) }; } return { /** * Initializes components assigned to HTML elements via [data-mage-init]. * * @example Sample 'data-mage-init' declaration. * data-mage-init='{"path/to/component": {"foo": "bar"}}' */ apply: function (context) { var virtuals = processScripts(!context ? document : context), nodes = document.querySelectorAll(nodeSelector); _.toArray(nodes) .map(getData) .concat(virtuals) .forEach(function (itemContainer) { var element = itemContainer.el; _.each(itemContainer.data, function (obj, key) { if (obj.mixins) { require(obj.mixins, function () { //eslint-disable-line max-nested-callbacks var i, len; for (i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { $.extend( true, itemContainer.data[key], arguments[i](itemContainer.data[key], element) ); } delete obj.mixins; init.call(null, element, obj, key); }); } else { init.call(null, element, obj, key); } } ); }); }, applyFor: init }; });